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  D. decided to take charge of Phyllis's education

  55. The underlined word "eventually" in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.

  A. ultimately B. slowly

  C. reluctantly D. gradually

  56. Which of the following is NOT true about Phyllis in the early 1770s?

  A. She wrote her first poem when in her teens.

  B. She married in 1771.

  C. She became a teacher.

  D. She was able to get her poems published.

  57. The underlined word "they" in Paragraph 2 refers to ______

  A. publishers B. poems

  C. children D. black people

  58. It can be inferred that Phyllis's trip to England with Nathaniel in 1773 ______

  A. did not improve her health

  B. was for business reasons

  C. led to books of her poems being available in America

  D. led to the publication of her poems because the English were more interested in religious and moral subjects

  59. The word "extolling" is closest in meaning to ______

  A. welcoming B. stating

  C. bemoaning D. praising

  60. Which of the following conclusions about Phyllis is supported by the passage?

  A. She would have been more recognized as a poet if she had not been black.

  B. She would have written poetry if she had stayed in Africa.

  C. She went unrecognized as a poet during her lifetime.

  D. She only wrote religious poetry.


  36.A[分析] 习惯搭配。

  根据句意:知道苹果已种植了3,000多年的人不多。people是复数名词,用 not much形容不对;而not many意为“不多”;如:Not many high school students can study abroad.高中生能去留学的不多。因此选项A为答案。

  37.D[分析] 习惯搭配。

  native表示“(某地)固有的,原产的,(动植物)特有的”之意时,后面一般加to+名词,如:animals native to Africa非洲原产的动物,因此选项D是答案。

  38.B[分析] 代词搭配。

  根据句意:所有的生物都是一代一代地向下传递其遗传特性。another另一个,泛指同类事物中的另一个:本句是指从一代向另一代传递,因此from one to another是正确选项。

  39.D[分析] 代词应用。


  40.C[分析] 形容词应用。

  outside和outer均有“外部的”意思。但outside一般指物体的外表或表面,而outer指一种相对性,即相对于内部而言的外部或外表, appearance外貌,外观,hiding隐匿:在此指牙齿的外表面,是相对于内部而言的,因此选项 C为答案。

  41.C[分析] 名词应用。


  42.A[分析] 结构应用。

  此句意为:所有的哺乳动物都有毛发,但并不明显。but引导的句子主语应是指代前面所提的整件事,而不是前句主语all mammals,因此主语应用it;如用选项B,本句就不能用but连接了,因此只有选项A是答案。

  43.B[分析] 名词应用。

  要注意这几个形近词的应用:A.economy经济,节约,经济制度的状况: B.economics经济学,C.economical节约的,经济的;D.economic经济(上)的,产供销的,经济学的,因此选项B为答案。

  44.C[分析] 结构应用。

  划线部分应填本句的谓语动词(machines是主语,that use hydraulic pressure是定语),根据句意,谓语动词应表“包括”之意,且在此不表被动,因此选项C是答案。

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