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2002年中级口译上海市试题 2007-11-12 14:06:11 点击:发送给好友 到论坛发表评论 添加到收藏夹

However, never criticize your former employer. Sharing your negative thoughts with the interviewer is an immediate turn-off and will only brand you as a complainer and gossip, whom no one likes or will hire.
Keep in mind that the most important part of a job interview is making the employer like you and presenting yourself as the person he or she wants you to be. Consciously or not most employers tend to hire people who reflect their own values and standards.
Once you get the job you want, boasting about your accomplishments does not stop. Although you may think all your successes and achievements are highly visible, remember that you are only one of many people in a company. Lack of recognition is cited by a majority of discharged managers as the most frequent complaint against the former employer.
To help make yourself more visible in the company, volunteer for additional assignments —both job-related and non-business-related. These could include community relations or charitable activities in which your company is involved. These types of activities may enable you to have more time and access to top executives of the company to whom you may endear yourself. You might even have the opportunity to tell them what you are doing for the company, which can never hurt.

6. This article is mostly about how to _________.
(A) interview for a job
(B) please your boss
(C) get along with co-workers
(D) get and keep a job

7. In paragraph 2, the word “maximize” mean to ________.
(A) talk about
(B) make the most of
(C) be modest about
(D) play down

8. The author states that the one thing you should never do during an interview is ______.
(A) list your successes in previous jobs
(B) promote your qualifications for the job
(C) tell your potential boss about the projects you’ve worked on
(D) make negative comments about your former employer

9. The author provides his views on winning and holding a new job by _______.
(A) offering suggestions
(B) presenting facts and statistics
(C) describing extreme situations
(D) telling stories

10. In the passage, the author recommends all of the following EXCEPT _______.
(A) making a point of telling your supervisor what you have done
(B) taking part in non-business-related activities
(C) going on boasting about your successes and achievements
(D) giving the employer an idea on how to run his other business

Questions 11~15
5 Steps to Living Longer
Watch Your Temper
Scientists have long believed that Type A’s—those people driven by ambition, hard work and tight deadlines—were most prone to heart attacks. But it’s not striving for goals that leads to disease; rather, it’s being hostile, angry and cynical.
Suggests Mittleman: if stress mounts so high that you begin snapping at people, “Ask yourself, ‘Is it worth having a heart attack over this?’”

Lighten Your Dark Moods
For years, evidence linking depression to an increased risk of heart attack has been growing. Johns Hopkins researchers interviewed 1551 people who were free of heart disease in the early 1980s and again 14 years later. Those who reported having experienced major depression were four times as likely to have a heart attack as those who had not been depressed.

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