(60) A.RloR2 = R2oR1
B.若 Rl 和 R2 均为对称的,则 Rl 和 R2 也为对称的
C.若 Rl 和 R2 均为传递的,则 Rl 和 R2 也为传递的
D.对自然数集 N 上的二元关系 R{|x∈N∧y∈N∧(x≠y)},R 的传 递闭包 t(R)=N×N
●设有一台计算机,它有一条加法指令,每次可计算三个数的和。如果要计算 79 个数的和,至少要执行的加法指令次数为__(61)__。
(61) A.37
●若对所有 f>j,aij=O(i=1,2,…,n;j=1,2,…,n),则称矩阵 A=(ay)n×n 为上三角矩阵。设 Mn(R) 表示实数集R上全体 n×n 阶上三角矩阵的集合,“*”表示矩阵乘法,则 为__(62)__
(62) A.可交换独异点
(63) A.25
B. 44
(64)A.随机变量 X 和 Y 均服从 N(0,1) 分布
B.随机变量 X 和 Y 相互独立
C. X 和 Y 的联合分布函数为Φ(x)与Φ(y)的乘积
while (i<=n)
(65) A.O(n)
B.O(log n)
C. O( nlog n)
● Most IP layer-based proxy mechanisms, such as network address translation (NAT), only support uni-directional proxy, from the internal network to external network (the Internet). The proxy establishes the communication channel by __(66)__ IP addresses. The IP addresses must be __(67)__. These proxy mechanisms prevent applications that must establish return data channels from establishing their data channels, such as, multimedia applications. IP layer-based proxy mechanisms need additional software __(68)__ for each application that uses __(69)__ channels. SOCKS identifies communication targets through domain names, overcoming the restriction of using private IP addresses. SOCKS can use domain names to establish communication between separate LANs, with __(70)__ IP addresses.
(66) A. manufacturing
B. manipulating
C. conduct
D. implement
(67) A. routable
B. locatable
C. path-selected
D. road-defined
(68) A. groups
B. blocks
C. models
D. modules
(69) A. plenty
B. many
C. multiple
D. more
(70) A. duplicating
B. crossing
C. overlapping
D. repeating
●The approach we propose is a system-oriented methodology for knowledge acquisition This orientation emphasizes ongoing documentation throughout each cycle and technique applied. Program-wide documentation is suggested, both for the purpose of internal __(71)__ and for later verification and __(72)__ efforts. The documentation system we propose includes a central "knowledge acquisition __(73)__ " which is __(74)__ to reflect knowledge acquisition plans, session nodes, and domain expert participation. Specifically, __(75)__ within the database system include knowledge acquisition forms, which document plans for, and notes from,
knowledge acquisition session, domain expert file, and rule content forms.
(71) A. interchange
B. interface
C. communication
D. message
(72) A. validation
B. confirm
C. effection
D. evaluation
(73) A. dataset
B. collection
C. file
D. database
(74) A. edited
B. updated
C. exchanged
D. revised
(75) A. templates
B. samples
C. examples
D. temper