●In the following essay, each blank has four choices. Choose the best answer and write down on the answer sheet. In low-speed network,it is usually adequate to wait for congestion to occur and then react to it by telling the source of packets to slow down. In high-speed networks, this approach often works poorly, because in the (71) between sending the notification and notification arriving at the source, thousands of additional (72) may arrive. In ATM network , a major tool for preventing (73) is (74) control. When a host wants a new virtual (75) ,it must describe the traffic to be offered and the service expected. (71) A interval B time C slot D delay (72) A packets B cells C message D files (73) A collision B congestion C drop D delay (74) A flow B admission C traffic D time (75) A path B rout C circuit D way 答案:(71) A (72)A (73)B(74)B(75)C 下午试题 试题一:(15分) 某网络的连接于图1所示,其路由器的配置如下。 【路由器Router的部分配置信息】 Router(config)#interface fastEthernet1/0.1 Router(config-subif)#encapsulation isl 11 (1) Router(config-subif)#ip address (2) Router(config-subif)#exit Router(config)# interface fastEthernet1/0.2 Router(config- subif)#encapsulation isl 12 Router(config- subif)#ip address Router(config-subif)#exit Router(config)# interface fastEthernet1/0.3 Router(config- subif)#encapsulation isl 13 Router(config- subif)#ip address Router(config-subif)#exit Router(config)# ip routing (3) 【交换机Switch1的部分配置信息】 Switch1(config)#vlan database (4) Switch1(vlan)#vlan 11 (5) Switch1(vlan)#vlan 12 Switch1(vlan)#vlan 13 Switch1(vlan)#exit Switch1(config)#interface fastEthernet0/0 Switch1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk(6) Switch1(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed all (7) Switch1(config-if)#exit Switch1(config)#interface fastEthernet0/1 Switch1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk Switch1(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed all Switch1(config-if)#exit Switch1(config)#interface fastEthernet0/2 Switch1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk Switch1(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed all Switch1(config-if)#exit 【问题1】 解释画线部分的意义。(7分) 答: (1)将vlan11 的接口封装为ISL(2)设置vlan1的默认网关为10.1.1.1 (3)启动ip转发 (4)定义vlan (5)定义一个vlan 为11 (6)接口设置为trunk模式(7)允许所有vlan信息在trunk中传递 【问题2】 给出三个vlan各自的IP地址范围。(3) vlan11 vlan12 vlan13 【问题3】 若不采用路由器,全部采用交换机实现,是否可行?给出解释。 答:可以,一台交换机具有路由模块(或支持三层交换),作为中心交换机。 试题二:(15分) 某公司设置VPN服务器允许外地的公司员工通过Internet连接到公司内部网络。问 【问题1】 VPN使用的隧道协议可以有那几类,分别有哪些协议?(5) 答:分三层和二层隧道隧道协议。三层有IPsec协议二层有L2TP和PPTP协议。 【问题2】 若采用L2TP协议,则该协议除IP外还支持哪几种协议?(4) 答:IPX、NetBEUI 【问题3】 VPN路由器配置如下:请解释画线部分含义:(6) Vpdn-group 1 (1) Accept-dialin protocol l2tp virtual-template 1 terminate-from hostname a801 (2) Local name keith Lcp renegotiation always (3) No l2tp tunnel authentication 答: (1) 创建VPDN组1 (2)接受L2TP通道连接请求,并根据虚接口模板1创建虚拟访问,接收远程主机为a801的连接。(3)LCP再次协商。 |