从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中{ }内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。
A local-area network(LAN) is a communications network that { A } a variety of devices and provides a { B }for information exchange among those devices. The scope of the LAN is small typically a single building or a cluster of builings. The LAN is usually owned by the same organlization that owns the { C } devices.The internal data rate of LAN is at least several Mbit/s. The basic of LAN communciation is broadcasting. At each station, there is a transmitter/receiver that commuinciates over a { D }shared by other stations. A transmission from any one station is { E }to an received by all other stations.
A、B、D、E:①broadcast ②cable ③control ④interconnects
⑤internet ⑥meander ⑦means ⑧medium
⑨modem ⑩output 11. switch 12. relay
C:①adopted ②attached ③selected ④unified
【答案】A:④ B:⑦ C:② D:⑧ E:①