
www.zige365.com 2010-7-10 11:01:54 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

    (59):A.0.882        B.O.896        C.O.925        D.O.94

    (60):A.0.5          B.O.54         C.O.62         D.O.65


WWW页面访问的大致过程如下:用户在浏览器中输入要访问的 WWW 页面的__(61)__地址(http://hostnane/dirctory/fi1e);浏览器通过__(62)__查询上述输入信息所指的 Web 服务器的IP 地址;浏览器通过网络与该 IP 地址处的 Web 服务器的__(63)__服务端口间建立一条__(64)__连接;浏览器依照相关协议发送__(65)__命令;Web 服务器根据命令取出文档,发送回来;浏览器释放连接,显示该文档。

    (60):A.URL         B.EMS         C.NDS         D.DNS

    (62):A.NAT         B.EMS         C.NDS         D.DNS

    (63):A.HTML        B.HTTP        C.SMTP        D.SNMP

    (64):A.RTP         B.IP          C.TCP         D.UDP

    (65):A.TCP         B.GET         C.UDP         D.PUT


MIMD systems can be classified into __(66)__-oriented systems ,high-avai1ability systems and response-oriented systems.The goal of __(66)__ .orlented multiprocess is to obtain h1gh __(66)__ __(67)__ minimal computing cost .The techniques employed by multiprocessor operating systems to achieve this goal take advantage of an inherent processing versus input/output balance in the workload to produce __(68)__ and__(69)__ loading of system __(70)__ .

    (66):A.though     B.through      C.throughout  D.throughput

    (67):A.at         B.of           C.on          D.to

    (68):A.balance    B.balanced     C.balances    D.balancing

    (69):A.uniform    B.unique       C.unit        D.united

    (70):A resource   B.resources    C.source      D.sources


Soon,more of the informtion we receive via the internet could come __(71)__ in digital wrappers.

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