What Is Meant by High-level Language'
A high-level language is a language, which is closer to natural language, or mathematical language than machine code or assembly language. It is there fore far less machine dependent, so that the programmer needs far less knowledge of the details of the microcomputer system. It is also more abstract in that it is closer to the concepts of the problem that the programmer is trying to solve. It is generally)more concise, in that a single statement in the high-level language (usually occupying one line of source text)often corresponds to more than one assembly language statement (or machine instruction).
A high-level language may be translated by a compiler via one or more intermediate languages into assembly language or machine code.Alternatively it may be interpreted directly, or translated into an in-termed ate language which is interpreted. These intermediate languages are so called because they lie ate level intermediate between the high-level language and machine code. Interpretation is quite common for high-level languages on microcomputers。
高级语言一是比机器代码或汇编语言更接近于自然语言或数学语言的一种语言。因此,它很少依赖于机器,以致于程序员无需知道关于 微机系统的详细知识。它也更抽象,因为它更接近于程顺员拟解决的问题的概念。一般地说,它更简炼。在高级语言里,单条语句(通常占有源文本的一行)通常相当于汇编语言中的多条语句(或多条机器指令)。