经过近20天的学习,今天下午去考了604 BCMSN,难得有机会咱也做点小贡献,谈谈经验,再说些题目大家一起讨论一下。
考试我用了50分钟,结果只有864分,既有点出乎意料,又在情理之中。因为工作中接触SWITCH比较多,所以书看得不细,先看的是电子工业的(SYBEX)的书,感觉不好,后几章节都看的是CISCOPRESS 640-504的PDF电子书,看得眼前白花花的。建议大家还是看CISCOPRESS的教材(打印出来看),和人民邮电的BCMSN中文版,还有CISCO网站的640-604考试大纲结合看。TESTKING 覆盖率是蛮高的,不过V7-1错误也有不少,建议不要背BIBLE,但可以做做以发现看书时候遗漏,忽略的知识点或没有前后联系的知识点,还有就是做到正确率大于75%该有足够信心PASS考试啦!(根据咱的国情,有把握再交这1250大洋,别MONEY打了水漂还打击自己的信心。)
再来说说这次考试我碰到的一些题目,因为本人水平有限,特别是MULTICAST 和 TRUNKING的正确率特低,只有66%,所以就不说答案了。回忆些题目大家讨论一下,我也好有个提高。
03. support VMPS
a, 2900xl
b, 3500xl
c, 5000
d, 8500
10. how is the designated querier elected in IGMP v2?
A, the first router to appear on the subnet is designated
B, the host that responds first to the election query is designated
C, the router with the lowest ip address on a subnet is designated
D, the host with the lowest MAC address on a subnet is designated
13. giant frame? cause isl or 802.1q
17. Which 3 are primary components of the cisco MLS in plementation
A, multilayer Trunking Protocol
C, MLS cache engine
18. on Cata5000 display MLS flow mask
a, show mls
b, show mls flow
c, show mls cache
d, show mls entry
19. ______delete a cache entry when it detect a TCP FIN ACK (完整题目没记下来)
22.?? mls rp ip input-acl ??