22)Which Data-link type supports speeds of up to 100 Mbps (哪一种数据链路类型支持至多到1 0 0 M b p s的速度)?
A. Local Talk
B. FDDI Talk
C. Token Talk
D. All of the above
23) Name Binding Protocol (NBP) is a protocol for (名称绑定协议( N B P )是一个协议,它在):
A. The application layer
B. The session layer
C. The transport layer
D. The physical layer
24) Which statement is true of zoning (关于区域,哪个陈述是正确的)?
A. It reduces the number of devices (hardware)
B. It reduces the number of nodes on the network
C. It causes client requests to propagate through the entire network
D. It reduces overhead
25) Which statement is true of RTMP (关于RT M P哪句叙述是正确的)?
A. It uses the shortest path algorithm
B. It uses distance vector protocol
C. It is a link-state protocol
D. It is a minimum metric algorithm
26) Name Binding Protocol is used for what purpose (名称绑定协议的目的是什么)?
A . To convert addresses into names
B. To create unique names for devices
C. To associate names with addresses
D. To create unique addresses
27) Which of the following protocols is most often preferred because of the capability ofbi- directional data stream support over DDP (下面哪个协议最常用,因为它在D D P上支持双向数据流)?
28) Whereas MAC addresses may change from location to location, the network addresses will remain the same from location to location (虽然M A C地址可能会因地点不同而不同,网络地址却在换位置时保持不变)。
A. True
B. False
29) Network number assignments are made by (网络号分配是由_ _ _ _作出的)。
A. Network queue
B. Client
C. Server
D. Router
30) The major characteristic of an Extended AppleTalk addressing scheme is ( 扩展的A p p l e Ta l k寻址方案的主要特征是):
A. That a single network number is assigned to a single segment
B. That a single segment can be associated with a range of network numbers
C. That a single network number can be assigned multiple zones
D. B and C only
E. All of the above
31) Which is a true statement about a cable range (关于电缆范围哪个叙述是正确的)?
A. It is a range of addresses assigned to a device
B. It is associated with a network segment
C. It is associated with an interface on the router
D. All of the above
E. B and C only
32) All AppleTalk network numbers must be (所有的A p p l e Ta l k网络号必须是):
A. Greater than 65 536
B. Greater than 255
C. Less than 65 536
D. Less than 255
33) What is the broadcast node number in AppleTalk (AppleTa l k中的广播节点号是什么)?
A. 255
B. 0
C. 256
D. None of the above
34) For a cable range of 450~454, what is the maximum number of hosts (对于电缆范围为4 5 0 ~ 4 5 4的情况,最多能接多少台主机)?
A. 762
B. 2286
C. 1016
D. 1270
35) Which of the following is not true of cable ranges (关于电缆范围下面哪一条不正确)?
A. They are assigned with the APPLETALK CABLE-RANGE command
B. They are ranges of network numbers assigned to a segment
C. They cannot overlap with a previously assigned cable range
D. None of the above