
www.zige365.com 2007-11-23 10:32:24 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

A. Static / IP header address 
B. Dynamic / IP forward-protocol UDP 
C. Dynamic / IP forward-protocol TCP 

38) Which of the following protocols provide address resolution (下面的哪一个协议提供了地址解析)? 
C. IP 

39) IP is described as an unreliable mechanism because it does not guarantee delivery (IP被认为是不可靠的机制,因为它不保证发送)。 
A. True 
B. False 

40) What does fragmentation in TCP/IP represent (在T C P / I P中的分段代表什么)? 
A. Segmenting of datagrams into 53-byte packets for ATM applications 
B. Division of larger datagrams into convenient size packets 
C. A process that occurs on a router 
D. A, B, and C 
E. A and C only 
F. B and C only 

41) Which of the following statements is true of ARP (下面对A R P的陈述中,哪一个是正确的)? 
A. It makes a MAC address logically independent of the physical hardware 
B. It makes it necessary for the administrator to physically manage the MAC address of each N I C 
C. It integrates routing function with the physical and data link layers 
D. It routes packets based on destination host, not on destination network 

42) A host’s ARP cache is good forever once it has been created (一个主机的A R P高速缓存一旦创建,则它永远工作良好)。 
A. True 
B. False 

43) ARP is a broadcast protocol, and ARP caching is used because broadcasts are expensive ( A R P是一个广播协议,并且使用了A R P高速缓存,原因是广播太昂贵了)。 
A. True 
B. False 

44) Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) is termed“r e v e r s e”because (反向地址解析协议( R A R P )中的“反向”的含义是): 
A. It is used by the system that knows its IP address but does not know its MAC address 
B. It is used by the system that knows its MAC address but does not know its IP address 
C. It is used by the system that knows the destination’s IP address but does not know the destination’s MAC address
D. It is used by the system that knows the destination’s MAC address but does not know the destination’s IP address 

45) Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (InARP) is generally used by (逆向地址解析协议( I n A R P )通常由什么使用)? 
A. Broadcast networks 
B. Nonbroadcast networks 
C. Both broadcast and nonbroadcast networks 

46) The PING command makes use of what ICMP parameter (PING命令使用了什么I C M P参数)? 
A. Redirect 
B. Source quench 
C. Echo reply 
D. Destination unreachable 

47) ICMP Redirect is sent by (ICMP重定向由什么发出)? 
A. A host to the gateway 
B. A gateway to the host 
C. A router to another router 
D. A router to a network 

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