Mercury Quality Center

www.zige365.com 2007-7-4 15:02:22 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

Mercury Quality Center™ provides a web-based system for automated software quality testing across a wide range of IT and application environments. It combines an integrated suite of role-based applications; an open, scalable, and extensible foundation; and services for successfully deploying and gaining value from Quality Center. Quality Center is designed to optimize and automate key quality activities, including requirements, test and defects management, functional testing, and business-process testing.

With this set of QA testing tools, you can:

  • Make Go-Live decisions with confidence.

  • Standardize and manage the entire quality process.

  • Reduce application deployment risk.

  • Improve application quality and reliability.

At all points in the process, you have visibility into where your quality project stands – whether requirements have been tested and satisfied, tests have been executed, or defects have been found and resolved. This enables you to optimize software quality while managing and controlling risk as you develop and test an application.

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