
www.zige365.com 2013-11-12 16:48:45 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
 11. He will probably be awarded a Nobel Prize on account of his achievements in chemistry.

  A) high B) worthwhile C) outstanding D) powerful

  12. The neighbors do not consider him quite as most evening he awakens them with his drunken singing.

  A) respectful B) respectable C) respective D) respected

  13. Gravity not only caused bodies to fall their speed.

  A) and to increase B) but also increaseC) and increase D) but also increased

  14. Was it that the professor regarded with contempt?

  A) them who B) he who C) them whom D) those

  15. She is pleased with what you have given him and __ you have told him.

  A) that B) which C) all what D) all that

  16.“Why didn’t Susan join the International Students Organization?’’

  “She object to dues.”

  A)we charge B)us charge C)we charging D)our charging

  17.Helen apologized for the party.

  A)her not being able to attend B)her being not able to attend C)her being able not to attend D)not her being able to attend

  l8.The universe we know it might have begun with a great explosion.

  A)as B)that C)and which D)and

  19.James Cook, also discovered the Hawiian Islands.

  A)by exploring the South Sea he reached Australia B)explored the South Sea and reaching Australia C)who explored the South Sea and reached Australia D)explored the South Sea then reached Australia

  20.One of the most obvious characteristics of the moon is the way in which it continuously changes .

  A)in appearing B)its appearance C)are appearing D)for appearance

答案:11-15 CBDDD      16-20 DAACB

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