
www.zige365.com 2011-12-27 16:29:49 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
16. If you go to the movie tonight, so ______ I .
  A. will        B. do           C. am            D. can

  17. You don’t know about the difficulty I had ______ the work then at all.
  A. done           B. to do           C. for doing      D. in doing

  18. ______ is well-known, the environment in China is badly in need of improvement.
  A. It           B. That       C. As          D. What

  19. Charles Babbage is generally considered ______ the first computers.
  A. to invent        B. inventing         C. to have invented      D. having invented

  20. With oil prices keeping ______, people are hesitating whether to buy a car or not.
  A. rising        B. arising      C. raising        D. arousing

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