
www.zige365.com 2010-9-25 10:19:07 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

6. According to the passage, which of the following is the best way for children to learn things?

  A. Listening to skilled people’s advice.

  B. Asking older people many questions.

  C. Making mistakes and having them corrected.

  D. Doing what other people do.

  7. The writer think teachers should NOT .

  A. give children correct answers B. allow children to make mistakes

  C. point out children’s mistakes to them D. let children mark their own work

  8. According to the writer, teachers in school should .

  A. allow children to learn from each other

  B. point out children’s mistakes whenever found

  C. correct children’s mistakes as soon as possible

  D. give children more book knowledge

  9. According to the passage, learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are .

  A. different from learning other skills B. the same as learning other skills

  C. more important than other skills D. not really important skills

  10. The title of this passage could probably be .

  A. Let Us Teachers Stop Work

  B. Let Us Make Children Learn

  C. Let Children Correct Their Exercises

  D. Let Children Learn By Themselves


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