
www.zige365.com 2010-1-29 17:00:23 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

1. In order to ________to life in wild, he has to learn how to hunt .
A. effect B. adopt C. adapt D. enter

2. During the rush hour , people ________the subway.

A. crowd B. prevent C. waste D. leak

3. When the whole area was _________by flood , the government sent food there by helicopters.

A. cut away B. cut up C. cut down D. cut off

4. He found his usual corner seat _________at the pub ,so he had to look for another one /

A. empty B. occupied C. free D. held

5. If you have high blood pressure, you should __________eating too much salt .

A. escape B. suggest C. avoid D. relieve

6. We’ll ________that difficulty before we carry out our new plan .

A. get off B. get out C. get over D. get along

7. The train is _________to arrive at the station at10:30 if everything is all right.

A. due B. managed C. conducted D. suggested

8. We must __________our efforts on developing their reading skills .

A. focus B. display C. insist D. cast

9. It is difficult to ___________a conversation with all this noise around us .

.A. carry on B. account for C. bring up D. get through

10. 16. As all the members of the committee except the chairman were in favor of the suggestion ,he was in a __________of one.

A. minority B. majority C. major D. minor

11. He caught a _________from being out in the rain .

A. sight B. disease C. disaster D. cold

12. He received a __________from Mrs. .Jones for $ 20.

A. note B. cash C. notice D. check

13. I slept through her _________speech. .

A. exciting B. explanation C. boring D. disgusting

14. The factory is __________near the river.

A. found B. located C. cited D. lain

15. I have always thought very ___________of him.

A. highly B. better C. plentifully D. enormously

16. The tiger is pacing back and __________in the cage.

A. forth B. forward C. front D. ahead

17. John’s news report covering the conference was so __________that nothing had been omitted.

A. clear B. understandable C. comprehensive D. protective

18. Every part of a new car should be carefully checked before __________.

A.. assembly B. application .. C. combination D. input

19. The children will not be allowed to go with us if they don’t __________themselves better.

A. direct B. declare C. behave D. conduct

20. He was given ___________pay for working overtime.

A. over B. double C. less D. equal

21. They __________us to a swimming contest .

A. invaded B .appealed C. challenged D. charged .

22. When she was dead , many of her friends came to attend her_________ .

A. meeting B. funeral C. ceremony D. bury

23. The officer ___________the suspect to wait at the scene of the crime .

A. allowed B. forced C. persuaded D. enabled

24. He had waited so long that he became______________.

A. impatient B. patient C. quiet D. reserved

25. The __________of the moon for the earth causes the tides .

A. orbit B. motion C. magnet D .attraction

26. This ____________show that Hilary Wilson has completed the school-work of the eighth grade

A. qualification B. certificate C. reputation D. identification

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