
www.zige365.com 2011-7-5 17:13:16 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  C. is this the first time She has lied D. is this the first time she was lying

  34. Climate change will greatly_____wheat and rice production if nations don't take steps now.

  A. fall B. leak C. lack D. reduce

  35. She always buys__________ my birthday.

  A. something awful to B. anything awful to

  C. something nice for D. anything nice for

  36. He failed to live Up to __________had been expected of him.

  A. what B. which C. that D. all

  37. It is very _____ of you to arrange an early.meeting between your boss and our team.

  A. considerate B. Considerable C. consideriiig D. considered

  38. I would have told him about the change of time for the class,________to class last 'tune.

  A. did he come B. he came C. had he come D. he had come

  39. The wind was so strong last night that it tore the______ of the ship into two or three pieces.

  A. mask B. mine C. sail D. satellite

  40. ____all the money people here spend eating out, restaurants' profit is still below five percent.

  A. Despite B.Thanks to C. Since D. Like

  41. Many a man__________lifeis meaningless without a purpose.

  A. thinks B. thinking C. have thought D. think

  42. John left home twenty minutes ago. It is usually half an hour's drive from his home to theoffice here. So he__________soon.

  A. should have arrived B. need arrive C. must have arrived D. may arrive

  43. ___Hongkong, is often regarded as____international Centre for business, finance and tourism.

  A./; an B. An; / C. The; / D./; the

  44. They went__________the schedule for the conference again and again until they felt satisfied with every detail of it.

  A. out B. up C: over D. by

  45. Schools should teach'our kids various subjects, and moreover, teach them how to ______right:from wrong.:

  A. mn B. take C. tell D. put

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