
www.zige365.com 2010-9-25 9:59:46 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

56. A. with B. at C. under D. for
  57. A. miss B. have C. win D. lose
  58. A. issue B. aspect C. problem D, question
  59. A. funny B. careful C. only D. properly
  60. A. lack of B. short of C. fond of D. full of
  61. A. short B. much C. enough D. bad
  62, A. take B. get C. make D. try
  63. A. teaches B. touches C. pushes D. directs
  64. A. using up B. to use C. used up D. using off
  65. A. partly B. actually C. hardly D. truly
  66. A. fact B. model C. pattern D. sign
  67. A. affected B. infects C. affects D. infected
  68. A. you will B. must you C. you must D. will you
  69. A. too B. never C. yet D. also
  70. A. bigger B. biggest C. big D. important
  71. A. careless B. thoughtful C. efficient D. able
  72. A. waiting B. wait C. waited D. waits
  73. A. make up for B. made up of
    C. make up of D. made up for
  74. A. are sharing B. shared C. sharing D. shares
  75. A. unpleasant B. pleasant C. clever D. happy


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