
www.zige365.com 2010-11-8 14:46:19 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
17. Last week I wrote to the hotel to book a room, but they _____ yet.
    A. didn't answer           B. wasn't answering
    C. hadn't answered         D. haven't answered
18. Diana felt very much upset at _____ to the party as she had longed to go for a long time.
    A. having not been invited   B. not having been invited
    C. not to be invited         D. to be not invited
19. On no account _____ held responsible for the car accident, so he should not be put into prison.
    A. the driver can be            B. can the driver be
    C. the driver be               D. be the driver
20. All the kids are crying now. What_____makes them so unhappy?
    A. it is       B. is it       C. it is that    D. is it that
21. Unfortunately, the package I was expecting was _____ to the wrong address.
    A. written      B. given       C. packed     D. delivered
22. _____by a large audience, he felt very nervous and didn't know what to say.
    A. Watching   B. Watch   C. Watched    D. Having watched
23. I'm very grateful for your help and hope to do something for you_____in the future.
    A. in exchange      B. instead   C. in return      D. in particular
24. I can ____you that the animals are well cared for in our zoo, so you needn't worry  about them.
    A. suppose     B. assume     C. assure      D. grant
25. The drowning boy made a _____ attempt to catch the rope  thrown to him.
   A. dangerous   B. graceful     C. gentle      D. desperate
26. If we_____early tomorrow morning, we will reach the coast before dark.
   A. take off     B. set off      C. set up      D. take up
27. A lot of people mistake John for Bill because they _____ each other in appearance too much!
   A. weave      B. utilize      C. reveal      D. resemble
28. When there are cordial relations between the two countries, we mean there exists a_____ relationship between them.
   A. friendly     B. hostile  C. fertile       D. complicated

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