
www.zige365.com 2007-6-5 17:09:48 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

C. more work than anyone else    D. work more than anyone 

56. Before her marriage, she spent a considerable time in that very part of Shanghai, ________ she belonged. 
A. which   B. to where   C. to which   D. at which 

57. “Good—bye, Mr. Wang. I’m pleased _______ 
A. to meet          B. meeting    C. to have been meeting    D. to be met  

58. The investigation, ________ will soon be published, was made by john. 
A. at which the results   B. the results on which  

C. whose results        D. at whose results 

59. Don’t you know he is an old friend of ________? 
A. my brother          B. my brothers  
C. my brother’s        D. my brother’s friend 

60. ________ you return those books to the library immediately you will have to pay a fine. 
A. Until   B. Unless  C. If   D. Provided 

Part III Identification
61. The more [frequent] the child expresses his [interest] in [an] activity, the stranger [it] will become. 
A                          B      C                   D 

62. [It is] always [easier] to [select] a tool than to [use them]. 
A           B       C                 D 

63. [During the discussion], Mr. Boyd [remained silent] [when] [asking] his opinion. 
A                         B          C     D 

64. She sings [too loudly], the [same] [as] [what] her teacher does. 
A            B   C   D 

65. [He asked what] [had the weather been] like during my holidays and [I said] that [it had been awful] 
A              B                                  C              D 

66. [A] number of [errors] [made] by him was [surprising]. 
A            B     C                D 

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