
www.zige365.com 2013-8-8 8:40:38 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  15. I don’t want to watch the football match. Can you __________ Channel 9?

  A. change in B.change over C. change to D. change into

  16. Women employees ________ the same salaries as men for doing the same work.

  A.are paying B.have been paid C.paid D.have paid

  17. Never ________ the weather been so bad in October.

  A.is B.are C.has D.have

  18. Many careers require a college degree; some jobs, ________, only require previous experience.

  A.however B.therefore C.moreover D.furthermore

  19. The clock has stopped. I ________ get it go again and set the alarm, or I will be late again tomorrow.

  A.could B.might C.would D.must

  20. Don’t ask him how old he is. He ’s really ____about it.

  A.sensitive B.careless C. cautious D.anxious

 III.Cloze (30 points )

  Direction : For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter the Answer Sheet.

  Physical activity through sports can enhance your child’s physical health. Sports can also have a positive effect on his mental health. Sports participation helps children ___21___ life skills suck as learning to ___22___ with loss and disappointment these mental health benefits can be ____23____ helpful during the challenging years of adolescence.

  As your child grows and his body changes, confidence and self-esteem ___24___ from a positive body image. ____25____ sports participation helps your child____26____ a healthy weight and see his body as a ___27___ to succeed on the

  playing field. A good body image improves mental health so that your child is less ___28___ to experience feelings of low self-worth.

  Children who participate ____29___ sports must learn to work with their teammates to ____30____ a goal. Through sports, a child is ___31___ to build confidence in his abilities. Winning does not have to be the only confidence builder. A ___32___ pass or assist during a game also improves confidence.

  Exercise and sports participation have been ___33___ to have antidepressant (抗抑郁的) effects. Children who play sports generally report having a positive ___34___ on life. Improved self-esteem can ___35___ a child not only in sports events, but also in academic performance.

  21. A.stimulate B.develop C.motivate D.create

  22. A.deal B.make C.disagree D.struggle

  23. A.actually B.specifically C.especially D.merely

  24. A.arise B.raise C.lift D.move

  25. A.Typical B.popular C.Common D.Regular

  26. A.retain B.reserve C.maintain D.prevent

  27. A.form B.tool C.symbol D.technique

  28. A.likely B.hardly C.gradually D.really

  29. A.on B.in C.with D.over

  30. A.settle B.arrive C.obtain D.achieve

  31. A.able B.capable C.qualified D.skilled

  32. A.frequent B.free C.successful D.gradual

  33. A.implied B.applied C.referred D.shown

  34. A.meaning B.outlook C.expectation D.approach

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