
www.zige365.com 2010-3-23 17:29:06 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  When my older kids, now in college and high school, were young, I brought in the rules of modern parenting. They are unspoken, but followed carefully. First, you must let your child have a variety of activities. After all, you never know where you'll find a genius (天才).  Second, if the child shows the slightest talent (才能), the activity must be pushed with lessons, special coaching (辅导) and practice of  several days a week. Every minute should be taken and every minute has a purpose. That was really too much for my children.

  Now with the new plan, we told stories, We listened to music. And' the. kids played with bikes, balls, and whatever was handy. Nobody kept score. In fact, the boys played outside so much that the lawn was worn down to the soil in places. They've made friends with those who come from all over the neighborhood to play games.

  We like those peaceful evenings. Ben and Nick have a good time this fall, May be that's because the time off has allowed us to enjoy each other's company;








  40.What was new for the family last fall?

  A. The children began to learn music when school was over.

  B. The writer arranged no' extra lessons for the children.

  C. The writer found no time to play with the sons.

  D. The children had nothing to do alter school



  41. At the beginning of that season the children

  A. hated to spend more time on their homework

  B. felt excited about making their own decisions

  C. were pleased to have more freedom

  D; were worried about the change



  42. According to ',modern parenting" discussed in Paragraph 4, parents should

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