
www.zige365.com 2009-9-10 11:04:16 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  Sydney Brenner,senior distinguished fellow of the Crick-Jacobs Center in California,won the 2002 Noblel Prize for Medicine and says that if there is a global disaster some humans will survive-and evolition will favour small people with bodies large enough to support the required amount of brain power.”Obesity,”he says.”will have been solved.”


  Rodney Brooks,professor of robotice at MIT,says the problems of developing artificial intelligence for robots will be at least partly overcome.As a result,”the possibilities for robots working with people will open up immensely”


  Bill Joy,green technology expert in Califomia,says:”The most significant breakthrought would be to have an inexhaustible source of safe,green energy that is substantially cheaper than any existing energy source.”

  Ideally,such a source would be safe in that it could not be made into weapons and www.cet6w.comhazardous or toxic waste or carbon dioxide,the main greenhouse gas blamed for global warming.


  Geoffrey Miller,evolutionary psychologist at the University of New Mexico,says:”The US will follow the UKin realizing that religion is nor a prerequisite (前提)for ordinary human decency.

  “This,science will kill religion-not by reason challenging faith but by offering a more practical,uniwersal and rewarding moral frameworkfor human interaction.”

  He also predicts that “ahsurdly wasteful”displays of wealth will become umfashionable while the importance of close-knit communities and families will become clearer.

  These there changer,he says,will help make us all”brighe\ter,wiser,happier and kinder”.


  1.What is john lngham’s report about?
  A)A solution to the global energy crisis
  B)Extraordinary advances in technology.
  C)The latest developments of medical science
  D)Scientists’vision of the world in halfa century

  2. According to Harvard professor Steven Pinker,predictions about the future_____.
  A)may invite trouble
  B)may not come true
  C)will fool the public
  D)do more harm than good

  3. Professor Bruce Lahn of the University of Chicago predicts that____.
  A)humans won’t have to donate organs for transplantation
  B)more people will donate their organs for transplantation
  C)animal organs could be transplanted into human bodies
  D)organ transplantation won’t be as scary as it is today

  4. According to professor Richard Miller of the University of Michigarr, prople will____.
  A)life for as long as they wish
  B)be relieved from all sufferings
  C) life to 100 and more with vitality
  D)be able to live longer than whales

  5.Priceton professor Freeman Syson thinks that____.
  A)scientists will find alien life similar to ours
  B)humans will be able to settle on Mars
  C)alien life will likely be discovered
  D)life will start to evolve on Mars

  6.According to Princeton professor Richard Gott,by setting up a self-sufficient colony on Mars,Humans_____.
  A)Might survie allcatastrophes on earth
  B)Might acquire ample natural resources
  C)Will be able to travel to Mars freely
  D)Will mo\ve there to live a better life

  7.Ellen Heber-Katz, professor at the Wistar Institue in Philadelpia,predicts that_____.
  A)human organs can bu manufactured like appliances
  B)people will be as strong and dymamic as supermen
  C) human nerves can be replanced by optic fibers
  D)lost fingers and limbs will be able to regrow

  8.rodney Brooks says that it will be possible for robots to work with humans as a result or the development of artificaial intelligence for robots

  9. The most significant breakthrough predicted bv bill joy will be an inexhaustible green energy source that can’t be used to make pollutions

  10 According to Geoffrey Miller, science will offer a more practical, universal and rewarding moral framework in place of religion

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