
www.zige365.com 2009-9-10 10:00:08 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Part Vocabulary (20 minutes)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose  the ONE answer that best complete the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

41. Since the most commonly accepted test is the TOEFL exam, most institutions will expect a          TOEFL score for admission.

A) minimalB) maximalC) mimimumD) maximum

42. It was believed that his death          with the robbery of the bank downtown.

A) accompaniedB) coincidedC) correlatedD) conformed

43. Does Emerson find his career full and          as a basketball player?

A) conflictingB) charmingC) rewardingD) awarding

44. The local government gave the first          to education after the war.

A) projectionB) protectionC professionD) priority

45. The professor          his habit of getting up early in the morning to do writing all his life.

A) projectionB) retainedC retailedD) revitalized

46. The news of our team winning the match was really          , and millions of people came out to celebrate the victory.

A) overwhelmingB) acceleratingC promptingD) preceding

47. What the government should do urgently is to take actions to          the economy.

A) brookB) blushC boostD) brood

48. The explosion in the mine was          by a careless miner who lit a match.

A) triggeredB) claimedC hamperedD) protested

49. The mass newspaper depended significantly more on advertising         

than did their predecessors.

A) revenuesB) incomesC avenuesD) outcomes

50. Some minerals are quite common, others are regionally          , and still others are rare on the earth.

A) attributedB) distributedC contributedD) scattered

51. The most successful way to solve the language problem while a foreign play is being performed is          translation.

A) instantaneousB) spontaneousC simultaneousD) homogeneous

52. The hostess          in the contract that the rent should be paid in cash at the beginning of each month.

A) assumedB) submittedC exposedD) specified

53. This year, the number of accidents has          that of last year.

A) overtakenB) overweighedC overcomeD) overshadowed

54. You must          yourself or they will continue to bully you, so you will go on living in disgrace.A) assessB) assertC maintainD) promote

55. While both plans were perfectly sensible, only one seemed          in Chinas particular situation.

A) availableB) feasibleCresolvableD) presumable

56. A good teacher must know how to          his ideas to the students, as generally agreed by educational experts.

A) transmitB) transferC conveyD) communicate

57. If you keep on taking on more work than you can do, your health will          .

A) declineB) degradeC degenerateD) deteriorate

58. The director tried to wave aside these issues as          details that would be settled later.

A) preliminaryB) primaryC trivialD) alternative

59. As one of the youngest professors in the university, Miss King is certainly on the          of a brilliant career.

A) endB) edgeC thresholdD) course

60. During the famine of 1943, millions of peasants          to the cities because they could not make a living in the countryside.

A) immigratedB) emigratedC migratedD) generated

61. Im sorry to inform you that your application has been declined. Our manager thought you were not          for the post.

A) legibleB) eligibleC validD) literate

62. Visitors to Britain are sometimes surprised to learn that newspapers there have such a large          .

A) issueB) distribution C coverageD) circulation

63. This line was carrying equal number of eastbound and westbound trains, and they          regularly.

A) alteredB) alternatedC) switchedD) exchanged

64. The three astronauts have splashed down in the Pacific Ocean, only six miles from the aircraft carrier that was          for the recovery mission.

A) dispatchedB) depositedC) deployedD) delivered

65. Pubs have fanciful names like “The Red Lion” or “The Pig and Whistle” and they often have picutre on a signboard outside to          the name.

A) justifyB) illustrateC) modifyD) clarify

66. There are two main requirements before the fifthgeneration computer can become a reality and it is these that scientists are          .

A) anticipatingB) tacklingC) manipulatingD) speculating

67. College students in this city have set up “the Cleaner Air Society” to help urban citizens become aware of the          to our environment.

A) conditionsB) situations C) dangersD) threats

68. When you get a minor burn, pour some cold water on it, which will help         

the pain of the burn.

A) relieveB) relaxC) revealD) release

69. The library published a collection of books recently made          to the public.

A) acceptableB) accessibleC) accommodableD) accountable

70. For 14 years after her spouses death, she saw the          meaning of her life as nourishing her son and safeguarding her husbands works.

A) dueB) loneC) soleD) keen 

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