5. M: Hello, Mary. This is Paul at the bank. Is Tony home?
W: Not yet. Paul. I don't think you can reach him at the office now, either. He phoned me five minutes ago to say he was stopping for a hair-cut on his way home.
Q: Who do you think the woman probably is?
解析:男的问Mary,Tony 在家吗?Mary回答:还没有到家。你在办公室也找不到他。他5分钟前给我打电话说他在回家的路上去剪发了。很明显这个女人是Tony的老婆。有谁会打电话到Tony的办公室问他秘书,Tony在不在家。然后秘书还回答Not yet没回来呢。
6. W: Oh! Boy! I don't understand how you got a ticket today. I always thought you were slow even driving on the less crowded fast lane.
M: I'm usually careful. But this time I thought I could get through the intersection before the light turned.
Q: What do we learn about the man?
解析:女的问,我不知道你怎么就得了一张罚单呢?我总以为你即使在不怎么拥挤的快车道上开的也不快呀。男的回答,我一般都很小心的。但是这次我以为在(红)灯亮之前能够闯过十字路口。由此可以推断,男的因为不小心闯了红灯而被罚款了,而不是什么He had to run quicky to get the ticket. 他必须跑快一点,来拿罚单 。
所以应该选He was fined for running a red light.
10. W: You didn't seem to be terribly enthusiastic about the performance.
M: You must be kidding. I couldn't have clapped any harder. My hands are still hurting.
Q: What does the man think of the performance?
解释:女的说,你看起来似乎对表演不怎么热衷么?男的回答,你在开玩笑吧?我鼓掌不能鼓的更响了,手到现在还疼呢。意思就是男的认为这个表演很好,是值得鼓掌、赞许的,所以选It is applaudable. 完全和Plot情节有没有趣没有关系。
11. 文章中很明显有一句话: I'm currently studying to become a physical therapist(临床医学家), a career path that marks a great achievement for me.
可知这个人的研究领域是medical care, 没有提到special education特殊教育。
27. 答案出处:The solution? North of the border, where price controls reign, those brand-name drugs cost 50% to 80% less.
37. the deep pattern of socio-economic inequality and accumulated disadvantge that are coded by race...; to remove thse structural barriers that deny democratic rights and opportunities to millions of their fellow citizens?
阻碍美国民主发展的障碍有几个:these structural barries = the deep pattern of socio-.... and accumulated advantage; deep-rooted socio-economic inequality 属于barrier之一,以偏概全。文章说这些障碍是与race有关,拒绝给予几百万个同胞民主权利和机会,也就是说普遍存在对少数民族的偏见和歧视,prejudice against minority groups 更好地概括了原文。题目是the barrier,答案必须是概括性的选项,如果题目是one of the barriers 或者a barrier,C也可以选。